1993 San Diego 1995 Las Vegas 1997 San Francisco 1999 Secaucus 2001 Los Angeles 2003 Las Vegas 2003 GSC 2005 Orlando 2007 Vancouver 2009 San Diego/Cruise

Reunion 2001, Anaheim CA
JUNE 21st

Crystal Cathedral was just a few minutes away from the Quality Hotel. It's amazing what tax-free dollars can do!

Interior of the Crystal Cathedral

Some of the statuary at the Crystal Cathedral. (I'll bet you didn't know the Holy Family had five members.)

Hail, hail, the gang's almost all here.

Now what are they up to?

Wow, it's crowded in here. But there's always room for more food, right?

Alumni-in-law Joan Hoyumpa showcasing the blooming alliums in front of the other hotel where alumni stayed during reunion. Thanks Joan for all the photos you sent.

June 21st June 22nd (Fair) June 22nd (Evening) June 23rd June 24th
1993 San Diego 1995 Las Vegas 1997 San Francisco 1999 Secaucus 2001 Los Angeles 2003 Las Vegas 2003 GSC 2005 Orlando 2007 Vancouver 2009 San Diego/Cruise

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