1993 San Diego 1995 Las Vegas 1997 San Francisco 1999 Secaucus 2001 Los Angeles 2003 Las Vegas 2003 GSC 2005 Orlando 2007 Vancouver 2009 San Diego/Cruise

Reunion 2005, Orlando FL
"Reunion at Disneyworld"
The Seventh Grand Reunion on June 23-26, 2005. Some came as early as June 18 from Belgium, Canada, England, the Philippines and 15 states of the U.S.--California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington State and Wisconsin--Notre Dameans arrived in the city that Micky Mouse built to renew old friendships and form new ones. Thank you all for making Reunion 2005 such a pleasure. Please also visit Ben & Trey Hoyumpa's website for other photos from the reunion.

Click on each date or photo below to see the page from that day.

June 23rd

June 24th

June 25th

June 26th

Officers for 2005-2007:
President.....Minda Hingco Zamzam, NDL66
VP.................Ana Fe Dinopol, NDD69, NDDC73
Sec...............Rolly Seneriches, NDL65
Treas...........Bing Ferrariz, NDL66
Auditor.........Mila Wing, NDD68

Board of Advisors:
Lulut Palacios Chan, NDL72
Ida Combatir Estrada, NDDC70
Dr. Anastacio Hoyumpa, NDL54
Rod Soto, NDD69
Rene Taculad, NDD60

Honorary Board Members:
Art Henares, NDL64, NDDC, President 1993-1995
Prima Guipo Hower, NDL67, NDDC71, President 1995-1997
Rayland Rogan, NDL64, President 1997-1999
Angel Boloico, NDL67, NDDC, President 1999-2001
Sol Santos Cuenco, NDL74, President 2001-2003
Henry Rogan, President 2003-2005

1993 San Diego 1995 Las Vegas 1997 San Francisco 1999 Secaucus 2001 Los Angeles 2003 Las Vegas 2003 GSC 2005 Orlando 2007 Vancouver 2009 San Diego/Cruise

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